
Hey Briana Buddies….
I am super excited to introduce my new web site featuring the Ask Briana column. I know as kids we are super curious and always have questions that we want to ask.  Even though we love our parents, family, teachers and other adults in our lives, we also want to hear what our peers are thinking and talking about.  Ask Briana was created especially for you! The curious, unique, intelligent, expressive and fun kid that has a lot to say and wants to know and learn even more.  We as kids rock and sometimes we want to hear and learn from other kids who rock too!
The Ask Briana column will provide a platform for all kinds of interesting topics pertaining to kids: the best places to travel, fashion tips, current events (yes we want to know what’s going on too), movies, healthy eating (recipes) neighborhood happenings/events and reading/writing tips to name a few. Every week we will post a topic that our buddies can email or comment.  We will respond to the comments and suggestions. We love our buddies so much so can’t wait to read your fan letters.
  • Briana and her friends love to support being cool and smart so we also want to hear what you are doing in school.
  • You will have a chance to receive prizes based on great report cards and behavior.
  • Doing amazing things in your community? We want to hear and post that as well.
  • Briana and her friends love fashion so we also want to see what kids are wearing all over different neighborhoods. We can’t wait to post your picture!
Ask Briana is all about you and me. We rock as kids! Let’s continue to dream, support and accomplish BIG things together!

Your #1 fan,
