Will it Ever Stop? Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Are All Over Each Other in Sexy New Dance Video

Hey Briana Buddies,

Sometimes it’s really hard to put into words the stories that are sensationalized these days. There are two sides to every coin and although I understand the nature of the entertainment industry and what is needed to sell records and build popularity, I am still in awe that we continue to support artists like Justin Bieber who conducts himself in inappropriate ways and could care less. As if that is not enough, we have to watch him seduce his on again off again girlfriend, Selena Gomez for all to see on video.

I support and love “LOVE” but where is the fine line drawn as to what is publicly okay to air? The other issue are the standards and images that we constantly portray to young girls in the media. Our young girls continue to listen and idolize celebrities such as Selena.

Parents please continue to sensor and talk your kids. To the young and older girls, please know that are you amazing just the way you are and strive to be different! Dream Big!

Signing off,
