Briana says…Readers are Leaders!

Hey Briana Buddies-

I love to read! Reading really helps me to understand big words because the more I see them, the more I remember them. Reading also makes you smart. When you read you can have a conversation about anything and it’s cool to learn new things. I like to read and write because I like to express myself on paper and sometimes that is even better than talking. When I am upset with my parents and friends, I express my thoughts in my journal. Do you know what a journal is? It’s a book that you can write in that expresses all of your feelings. It’s your own personal diary.

I know that there are kids everywhere who don’t have books and can’t go to school to learn. I wish that I could give them books. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not be able to read and learn new things? I feel sad for kids like that. We have to keep reading kids! Readers are leaders! I am not a follower but a leader! Pass it on…Briana says so.

Briana from Brooklyn…briana_scooter resized