Briana Says… Dream Big! Readers are Leaders…

About Briana

Posts by Briana :

Briana Says…Be Nice to Dogs

Hey Briana Buddies- My big buddy, Sahar loves dogs and so do I! I have asked my mom for a dog so many times and all she says is, “Briana we will see”. Dogs make me feel so happy because they just want to be loved and taken care of. I don’t understand why people(…)

Briana Says…Be a Kid and Exercise With Me!

Hey Briana Buddies- It’s spring break and I’m excited! I love the warm weather and playing outside with my friends. I don’t know about some kids but I get tired of staying in the house and playing video games. My mom doesn’t let me watch a lot of TV and I can’t tell her that(…)

Briana Says…It’s Easy Being Green!

Hey Briana Buddies- My buddy Sahar is excited about the new Muppet Movie.  She says that the Muppets have been around for a long time when she was a kid. Wow, that’s a long time! She also said that cartoons were different and that she learned a lot. I have watched Sesame Street and it’s cool(…)

Briana says…Readers are Leaders!

Hey Briana Buddies- I love to read! Reading really helps me to understand big words because the more I see them, the more I remember them. Reading also makes you smart. When you read you can have a conversation about anything and it’s cool to learn new things. I like to read and write because I(…)